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Staff member Sheryl Judice (?) reads the Black Rap.
Black Rap Staffers Linda Campbell, Sheryl Judice, Angie, and Jerome Nelson write and edit.
A flyer from the Blue Line program advertises a "Bull Session", where students can have an open conversation with local police officers.
A Stentor editorial from 1966 considers the popular opinion that Lake Forest College is a very boring place to go to school- a place where there are no political actions or protests.
Calvin Gantt, chairman of the BSBA, gives the Black Power salute. From the Stentor issue focusing on the BSBA and the hiring of black faculty at LFC.
Quote from the Stentor addressing the administration's inaction in hiring black faculty.
A printed reproduction of the statement Gerard Simon read at the 1969 BSBA Parent's Banquet Walk-In published in the Stentor.
BSBA members quietly walk into the 1969 Parent's Banquet, and read a blistering statement about the administration's lack of action in regard to hiring black faculty.
Fed up with not being allowed to enter Fort Sheridan a group of protesters decided to block traffic on Sheridan Road.
Portestors and counter-protestors clash.
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